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Share your experiences with SEND


I am keen to hear from local constituents who have been affected by (or are currently affected by) Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) provision in Suffolk.  


If you are a constituent and would like to share your experiences with me, please submit your details via the form, right. My team will be in touch to arrange a follow up -  to ensure that you can to share your experiences of SEND provision in Suffolk. 


Please do let me know if this is a current ongoing issue (which needs help now) - or if it is a past experience that you are keen to share. 


Evidence that is shared with me will be help input into a special “insights report” on the SEND crisis in Suffolk Coastal, and provide case studies for parliament, and be used as a submission to Government.


Families and young people who take part in this call for evidence, and the subsequent report may be invited to take part in future work undertaken by Jenny Riddell-Carpenter on the issue – including visits to Westminster and in meetings in the constituency.  


Please note: I can only take information if you are a constituent of mine in Suffolk Coastal. To find out if I am your MP, please check here. 

Thank you for submitting, my team will be in touch soon. 

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